Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a new bike? What sort of bike do I need?
You don’t need to have an expensive bike to complete the ride, however your bike must be in good mechanical order.
If you have a mountain bike we recommend you use “slicks” but it’s up to you.
What is the route like? Are there any hills?
There are two ranges – Kuranda on Day 1 and Desailly’s on Day 2. You do not have to ride them! In fact we have some strict guidelines to adhere to under our Police permit. Please see our range rules on Day 1.
Transport co-ordination points will be at the base of the Desailly Range, where volunteers will co-ordinate loading bikes onto trucks or trailers and a bus ready for those not riding the range.
Your private support can take you and your bike up the ranges to the designated drop zones but they must adhere to the “stop and drop” principle – ie drop your rider and bike and go on.
Riding the ranges will be at your own risk. THERE WILL BE NO ESCORTING OR ASSISTANCE POSSIBLE ON THE RANGES.
The rest – we prefer to call “undulations”!
There also is a steep downhill on the Byerstown Range at 8%. There is a speed limit on the range – do not exceed this as we don’t want any accidents! You never know where there will be a speed detector and as cyclists, we are governed by the same road rules as vehicles. NB: The wind can cut across some of the downhill sections and catch you unaware so be careful.
Do I need to carry money?
We try where we can, to support local communities along the way so yes, bring some money and be prepared to support these as they don’t get much outside support otherwise. The QSuper Cardiac Challenge is considered to be the largest cycling event in the region.
Can my family come on the ride?
Yes – being school holidays we encourage family participation, but don’t forget they have to register and contribute to the fundraising effort – form a fundraising team with family members and encourage them to support your ride.
If this is an issue, contact us to discuss it further, but check out our fundraising tips as well and don’t underestimate the power of setting up an on-line personal fundraising page for each member who is participating.
Can I change pack if I find I am really in the wrong speed group?
Yes – but please negotiate this with your Pack Leader and ensure others in your pack know so they don’t think you are lost or left behind!
You also need to negotiate with the leader of the pack you are moving into. Remember we do have a size limit on our packs.
What if my jersey is the wrong size?
Don’t forget, you nominated the size but sometimes it just doesn’t always run smoothly. At the pre-ride briefing you may be able to find someone else to swap with or if there are spare jerseys you may be in luck for a swap. We strongly recommend you try jerseys on to confirm sizing especially the smaller sizes, prior to placing your size order. We keep samples of various sizes in the Foundation office, so if you are unsure, please make an appointment to come in and check your size. However please note that the jersey order is lodged immediately after registrations close on July 31, 2025.
Will there be medical support on the ride?
Yes – The ride is fully supported and we have a paramedic and vehicle on the ride as well as our dedicated Cardiac Team and a number of doctors and nurses participating as well.
Please ensure if you are not feeling well or are too fatigued on the ride, you let your pack leader or a member of the Ride Management Team know so they can monitor your progress or take any necessary action.
You will need to be responsible otherwise, for any known medical conditions and ensure you have any necessary medications with you as there is limited medical assistance between Mareeba and Cooktown.
Cancellation Policy
A registered rider who wishes to cancel their registration for the 2025 QSuper Cardiac Challenge and withdraw from the event, will have their registration fee converted to a donation, and will receive a tax-deductible donation receipt.
Note: Any money raised by a rider as part of their fundraising commitment to the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation will not be refunded, as it has been raised on the behalf of the Foundation.
Support crew members
A registered support participant who wishes to cancel their registration for the 2025 QSuper Cardiac Challenge and withdraw from the event, will have their registration fee converted to a donation, and will receive a tax-deductible receipt for the donation.
Note: Any money raised by a support participant as part of their fundraising commitment to the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation will not be refunded, as it has been raised on the behalf of the Foundation.
Terms and Conditions
The following are the terms and condition of entry to the 2025 QSuper Cardiac Challenge (“the event”) September 20-22, 2025.
The terms are not negotiable and by entering the event via on-line registration and paying the registration fee, you are hereby acknowledging your acceptance of the terms and conditions. (For participants under 18, a parent or guardian accepts the terms by completing the registration.)
I commit to fundraising the designated minimum fundraising ($500.00 for riders and $200.00 for adult support crew) in donations as part of my participation in the 2025 QSuper Cardiac Challenge. I understand I will not be permitted to start the event unless I can demonstrate the donations or meet any shortfall in funds raised. Each participant will automatically receive an online fundraising webpage as part of the registration process either as an individual or as part of a team.
By participating, I acknowledge that cycling activities are dangerous recreational activities and that participating involves inherent risks and hazards including group/pack riding/free riding arrangements.
I understand the ride is not a race and is conducted on public roads used by other traffic and that the roads will not be closed to traffic.
I agree to abide by the Queensland Road Rules and to follow any directions given by the Queensland Police, Ride Director or Ride Authorities.
I will ensure I am competent to take part in the ride, that my bicycle is mechanically sound and recently serviced and that I will wear an approved bicycle helmet and ride identification as required.
I am in good health and physically capable of participating in the ride. I do not have any medical conditions that may affect my own safety or the safety of anyone involved in the event.
What type of cyclists ride the Cardiac Challenge? Will I be able to do it?
Anyone should be able to do the ride but some training and preparation is recommended if you have not done this sort of event before.
Regular riding is the best thing you can do – it’s much better to ride a bit regularly than to go on long, irregular rides.
Check out our training plan:
Watch the news feeds on the website or join the Cardiac Challenge Facebook page to keep informed about our training rides.
Is there an age limit?
Generally, the minimum age is 12. Participants under 18 require consent to participate and must be accompanied by a guardian at all times, including when riding with their pack.
There is no upper age to participate!
I don’t like camping. What type of accommodation is there?
Hmmm… not much. Be brave – experience the outback! But don’t forget to check the Store to see if there are any hire tents available. There also are some rooms and cabins but you’ll need to book early.
What about food and drink on the ride?
We will have manned drink stops about 20-25km apart. Water and hydration mixers as well as fruit and other nibbles will be provided.
Please ensure you get well off the road with your bikes when stopping at the drink stops and DO NOT lean your bike against any escort vehicles.
Lunch will be at Mt Molloy on Day 1, Palmer River on Day 2 and Cooktown on Day 3.
Breakfast and dinners are provided at the camping grounds.
Please advise of dietary requirements when you register.
What if I get a flat tyre on the ride or have a mechanical breakdown?
You should have spare tubes, bike levers and a small pump with you and you should be able to change a tyre.
Hop into the rear vehicle and catch a ride to the next drink stop to change your tyre. Rear vehicles will have bike racks and some seating for this reason.
Pump’n Pedals will be our on-ride mechanics. There will be a charge and a fair price for any parts used and the “service fee” is actually a donation towards fundraising so please give generously.
In preparation for the ride, bike maintenance classes can be co-ordinated, depending on interest.
Riders insurance - am I insured in case of an accident?
Of course the Cardiac Challenge has event insurance that covers a range of things such as public liability as part of the ride but there is no cover for riders for injury or damage to bicycles.
While we pride ourselves on conducting a well organised and safe ride, there is always risk involved when riding a bicycle. Therefore, we’d like you to take a moment to consider personal insurance and bicycle insurance.
Aus Cycling has various levels of membership with corresponding personal insurance and liability cover available, which will cover you during training rides and racing.
To become a member of Aus Cycling, follow this link:
You can nominate Cardiac Cyclists Inc. if you wish and have no affiliation with a particular club as it helps fund some training etc. for our pack leaders.
Other organisations such as Bicycle Queensland also offer riders insurance that offer include third-party property damage and personal accident insurance.
As with any insurance, peruse the various policies and find the one that suits your needs.
In any case, your bicycle is typically not covered by these insurances. If you have a valuable bike, it is recommended you explore options to insure it. This can be done through specialist bicycle insurance companies, Aus Cycling (as an add-on to your membership) or in some instances, through your home contents insurance.
Note: we are not insurers, financial advisers or the like, and the above should therefore not be taken as professional advice, but purely as a recommendation to consider insurance and investigate and decide on what you feel is right for your individual situation.
What if I have ideas to make it better or if I’m not happy?
If you are unhappy or have a problem, have any suggestions for changing, improving or removing things that are not working well, talk with your Pack Leader or a member of the Ride Management Team so we can aim to negotiate a better outcome for the benefit of everyone and future rides.
We are more than happy to receive constructive feedback. (Remember too, we may not be able to do what you think should happen – we have to think of the whole group and not just individual participants). Please do not keep problems to yourself or grumble to others who are not able to fix it. Let’s try to sort it before it festers. All feedback emails should be directed to:
We also will conduct a feedback survey after the ride, so please let us know your thoughts and ideas.